Ahmed Kamel - Artwork - With Us It’s Different - Flags, Sculpture, Fabric and Concrete, 100x100x290 cm, 2020
Ahmed Kamel - Artwork - With Us It’s Different - Flags, Sculpture, Fabric and Concrete, 100x100x290 cm, 2020
Ahmed Kamel - Artwork - With Us It’s Different - Flags, Sculpture, Fabric and Concrete, 100x100x290 cm, 2020
Ahmed Kamel - Artwork - With Us It’s Different - Flags, Sculpture, Fabric and Concrete, 100x100x290 cm, 2020
Flags, Sculpture, Fabric and Concrete, 100x100x290 cm, 2020
Ahmed Kamel - Artwork - With Us It’s Different - Book, Leather, Paper and Concrete 52x60x7 cm (including stand: 80x100x120 cm), 2020
Book, Leather, Paper and Concrete 52x60x7 cm (including stand: 80x100x120 cm), 2020

With Us, It’s Different

is questioning the idea of the cultural peculiarity and its symbols, with which members of different groups can identify themselves. The series is based on mixing familiar forms as well as creating hybrid forms.


Die Überzeugung, dass wir verschieden sind, ist an sich eine Gemeinsamkeit verschiedener Gruppen. Jede von ihnen hat ihre eigenen Symbole, mit denen sich ihre Mitglieder identifizieren können. Die vertrauten Formen, Materialien und Texturen haben die Kraft, tief verwurzelte Erinnerungen aufleben zu lassen und Momente der Nostalgie zu schaffen.