September-October 2022
2022 “History leads to twisted mountains”, ARD, Cairo
September 2022
“Abutting Afar”, Photo Festival, Kaiserslautern
April 2021
“1-54 Art Fair”, Christie’s, Katharina Maria Raab Galerie, Paris
October 2021
“Drawing Room”, Katharina Maria Raab Galerie, Lissabon
August-November 2020
“Faraway so close”, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, Germany
Thanks to Katharina Maria Raab, Galerie zone B, Landesverband Berliner Galerien (lvbg), and Auswärtiges Amt for supporting the AArtist in Residency Program.
September 2020
Positions, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berln, Germany
September 2020
PhotoBasel, Katharina Maria Raab Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Juli 2019
Film Screening: “About paradise” FotoHaus, Paris-Berlin, Arles, France
Juli 2019
Publication: Hanan al-Cinema Affections for the Moving Image By Laura U. Marks, Publisher; MIT Press
Februar 2019
Exhibition: “Amin” 1-54, Katharina Maria Raab Gallery, Marrakech, Morocco
January 2019
Exhibition: “Power Struggle”, Katharina Maria Raab Gallery, Factory TT, Tehran, Iran
June-August 2018
Solo Exhibition: “Did Not Happen”, Zone B Gallery, Essen, Germany
May 2018
Exhibition: 1-54, Katharina Maria Raab Gallery , Pioneer Works, Brooklyn, New York, USA
January 2017
Review: Nafas Art Magazine, by Hannah Kugel
January 2017
Solo Exhibition: “Did Not Happen”, Rooftop Studio, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin, Germany
November 2016
Solo Exhibition: “Sight/Spiral”, Erstererster, Berlin, Germany
November 2016
Exhibition: “Fragments of HiStories”, Neuer Sächsischer Kunstverein, Dresden, Germany
October 2016
Exhibition: Art Market Budapest, Ungarn
October 2016-January 2017
Artist in Residence: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Galleries Association of Berlin (LVBG), Germany
August 2015
Film Screening: “About Paradise”, The 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art, Vancouver, Canada
March-June 2015
Solo Exhibition: “About Paradise/Repetitive Units”, Zone B Gallery, Berlin, Germany
September 2014
Master’s Degree, Photography and Moving Image,
Professor, Tina Bara, HGB – Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig, Germany
March-May 2014
Exhibition: “Cairo Open City”, East Wing, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
February 2014
Book release: “Invisible Presence: Looking at the Body in Contemporary Egyptian Art”, Mashrabia Gallery, Cairo
Design : Ahmed Kamel
Januar-Mai 2014
Exhibition: “Arab Contemporary”, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark
December 2013-January 2014
Exhibition: “Alternative Nomadi”, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy
November 2013
Book release: “Cairo Open City”, Germany
Picture editors: Florian Ebner, Ahmed Kamel
Design concept and design: Ahmed Kamel, Andrej Loll, Nicola Reiter
August-November 2013
Exhibition: “Cairo Open City”, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany
June 2013
Exhibition: “Twice”, HGB – Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig, Germany
June-July 2013
Biennial: 2013 “Errors Allowed”, Mediterranea 16, Ancona, Italy
March-May 2013
Exhibition: “Cairo Open City”, Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
February 2013
Annual tour: “Prekär”, HGB – Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig, Germany
October 2012-2014
Study: Master’s program, Photography and Moving images,
Professor, Tina Bara, HGB – Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig, Germany
October-November 2012
Exhibition: “Cairo Open City”, 5th European month of Photography, Berlin, Germany
September-December 2010
Exhibition: “Cairo Open City”, Museum für Photographie, Braunschweig, Germany
January 2012
Exhibition: “Cairo Documenta 2”, Viennoise Hotel, Cairo, Egypt
November 2011
Exhibition: “Extension”, Cinéma les Variétés, Marseille, French
November 2011
Exhibition: “Funkenschlag”, OKK – Organ Kritischer Kunst, Berlin, Germany
January-February 2011
Exhibition: “Propaganda by Monuments”, CIC, Cairo, Egypt
December 2010
Exhibition: “Cairo Documenta”, Cairo, Egypt
September-October 2010
Exhibition: “Local Star”, Mashrabia Gallery, Cairo, Egypt
June-August 2010
Artist in Residency: Mediamatic, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Exhibition: “Noord”, Mediamatic, Amsterdam, Netherlands
March-May 2010
Artist in Residency: PROGR, Bern, Switzerland
Studio Scholarship from the Swiss Arts Council, Pro Helvetia
Exhibition: “Spiral”, Progr, Bern, Switzerland
Exhibition: “By Law”, Marks blond, Bern, Switzerland
January 2010
Exhibition: “Shop-Abutting”, ArtElLewa, Cairo, Egypt
December 2009-January 2010
Exhibition: “Invisible Presence”, Samaa Khana, Cairo, Egypt
October-November 2009
Artist in Residency: Dusseldorf, Germany
Studio Scholarship from Land NRW
Exhibition: “Embedded Realities”, Kunstraum, Dusseldorf, Germany
May 2009
Cultural exchange: “Amongst Neighbours”, Istanbul, Turkey
Exhibition: Under Constriction, Hayaka Arti, Istanbul, Turkey